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Her Majesty the Queen Mother’s Birthday and National Mother’s Day

        August 12, 2021 was the Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, Queen Mother, as well as National Mother’s Day. In addition to the ceremony to honor and offer blessings to Her Majesty by representatives of administrators and teachers of Sarasas Ektra school, the school organized ‘a card for Mom activities’ for students to take this opportunity to express their love and gratitude to those who tirelessly care for them.
       Students designed the card to convey the love from their heart and gave it to Mom, or to the one acting as their mother. Since receiving photos of the atmosphere of love and warmth while students were delivering their cards, the Activity Department has made a video clip of all photos sent in by students, each accompanied by two songs namely: ‘Home Sweet Home’ and ‘Home’ that were sung by Ektra music teachers.
        The school would like to thank the special guest musician, Mr. Pakorn Kurpipat, and Miss Nichanan Kurpipat, Yr.11C who sang and played the song beautifully.