• Bachelor of Arts Program Department of British-American Studies (International Program) Thammasat University
• Bachelor of Law Program, Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University
• The 65th Thai Bar Association, Institute of Legal Education of the Thai Bar Association
The school was very warm; teachers cared about students; good environment; each time thinking back makes me smile. I am a legal advisor to both Thai and Foreign clients who wish to run their own business. As an independent professional, I rarely have problems besides working hard. The result is that I am proud of myself.
The school was very warm; teachers cared about students; good environment; each time thinking back makes me smile. Teachers gave me opportunities to show what talents I have, dancing, singing, do things that I like but normally do not dare to do. Teachers made me know that I am worthy, capable, and made me proud and love myself more.
Academic, caring, learning opportunities outside classroom whether it is from clubs or various activities organized by the school. I could feel that teachers really love and care about students. It waswarm like home, able to do activities, use talents that I have because teachers gave me opportunities. From being a shy girl who don’t dare to do anything I became more assertive. When I entered the first year of studying in Yr.7, Ms. Bussararat was my homeroom teacher. She gave me lots of opportunities all along and made Pakamas try to learn how to draw good pictures for R.C.W. (Reflection Creation Writing). After that I was able to draw even though not very well, but it looked pretty and cute and people who saw it praised me.
While studying, it was warm and comfortable. When entering the new class I couldn’t adapt because it was difficult, but through receiving love and care and also by being given opportunities I came to know my own self better and felt more self-confident confident, which allow me to move on in each step of life in strength.
I would like you to make the most use of your time in school because life in school is the happiest time in your life. Avoid confrontation and jealousy. I wish you to harvest the best of this moment in your life because it will nurture you when you go out into wider society.