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Leaving our School
Afterschool Payment for Semester 2/2016 If parents do not wish their child to continue in Semester
Parents can pay the fee for the month of November 2/2016, they can submit a request at the admin office by the
in advance from now until 25 October 2016 in order for 30 September 2016. Failing to do so will be against the rules
the students to continue their class without being moved to and parents will have to pay the amount owing and the
the waiting list to enroll again. If you forget to pay, the Tuition fee for semester 2/2016 in order to recieve any school
school will give the place to documents. It takes about 5-7 days to prepare the documents.
a student on the waiting list.
Asking for school documents
Paying for School Tuition Fees If parents need any school documents for students,

Parents can pay School Tuition fees from now up until they can submit a request at the admin office. It takes
31 October 2016. The admin office is inviting parents to about 5-7 days to prepare the documents after the
pay Tuition fees and the November Afterschool fee request is submitted. For parents who still have
for your convenience. outstanding fees, these must be settled (paid) before
collecting the documents.

NO gifts please!!!
Requesting Visa online During the holidays, many families

travel to various locations and tend to buy gifts
School provides a service for parents to submit a student visa for teachers or administrators. The school asks
online (VISA Request Letter) through school website to make it parents and students NOT to do this.
more convenient. Please make sure you submit all information School has a policy that teachers and
correctly and follow all the instructions. After we receive the staff are NOT permitted to receive gifts.
information, the school will process it within two working days. We want to build a culture of equality
However, parents with outstanding fee payments will receive and therefore ask for your co-operation.
the document within 7 working days. Only after all outstanding
fees have been paid may parents collect the visa letter.

Relocated Y.3 students to the new building

The school has demolished Building 2 and canteen 1 to build a new building in the
Primary Department. Consequently, there will a lot dust in and around the area and Y.3 students
have been relocated to the new 7-floor building.
Preventative measures have been put in place during the construction period. School will sprinkle water to try to
control the dust and boundaries have been created to avoid waste from spreading out and causing any danger.
The basic structure of the new building will be completed during October and finished before the semester opens.
Students (Years 1 -3) who are allergic to dust can ask for a mask from the homeroom teachers. (School has provided
a box of prevention masks in every homeroom)

Contacting the Administration Office during School holidays
The office will be open from Monday – Saturday at 8.30 am – 4.00 pm.
Note, the office is closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.
Infant Dept.: Tel. 0-2674-2450-2 Primary and Secondary Dept.: Tel. 0-2213-0117, 0-2212-9930-1

Sarasas Ektra School thanks all parents for their cooperation
and support of their student’s education and activities as well as following school policies.
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