Welcome to Sarasas Ektra School
The first school providing a Bilingual Program in Thailand
Ektra News
Regarding Student’s Further Education in Secondary Level
We would like to thank all parents for your continued trust in our school’s teaching and learning procedures; as well as our approaches to student care. Your child has come along way and is now close to graduating from Primary. They should now be ready to take the step up to secondary level in the academic year of 2019. We would like to invite you to a meeting and counselling activity regarding your child’s further education. more detail
Newsflash : Issued Date 26th September 2018
Sarasas Ektra School thanks all parents for their cooperation and support of their student’s education and activities as well as following school policies. We would like to take this opportunity to apologise to all parents for any inconvenience / disruption caused. more detail
Asking Permission Regarding HPV Vaccine Injection
The Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, together with Bangkok and National Health Security Office (NHSO) have promoted the importance of Cervical Cancer prevention. Hence, there will be the HPV Vaccine Injection service for female students in Year 5, which has been recommended as the suggested age group. Children in this age group have 2 - 3 times higher immunity than adults. The students will have two HPV Vaccine Injections . more detail
Meeting & Counselling Activity Regarding Student’s Further Education
We would like to thank all parents for your continued support and trust in our school for the education of your children. Your child has come along way and is now ready to step into the Upper Secondary Level in the academic year of 2019. We would like to invite you to a meeting and counselling activity regarding your child’s further education here at Ektra. more detail
Open Morning: Primary Department
GAC News
GAC Newsletter : October 2018
“New ACT VIPs Visit Ektra” The two new bosses who were very recently appointed by AES (ACT Education Solutions) took time out from their busy schedules to visit us here at Ektra. Ms. Anne Zheng is the Deputy General Manager & Director of Regional Academics, and Ms. Tamara Streinz is the V.P. of International Administration. Lots of topics were discussed with both the foreign and Thai administrators, and it was agreed by all that there is the possibility of finding our students some ‘more time’ by linking some GAC and Thai items which are covered in both curricula. more detail
Honor Roll
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"We make the Choices ; You make the difference"