GAC News: Academic Year 2017
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GAC Newsletter : January 2018
“Christmas Show Magic” Every year the Christmas Shows just seem to get better and better, and this year the overall standard was very, very good. The English language skills were impressive, and the drama portrayed showed a lot of skill and reflected the hours of practice more detail

GAC Newsletter : November 2017
“Community Service Camp” The students of Y.11 recently returned from their stint as volunteers in the north of Thailand (Chiang-Mai). While there they helped with teaching the students, they helped re-decorate school buildings, and they helped in the distribution items to the students. more detail

GAC Newsletter : August 2017
“Mother’s Day” Always a moving, and, often emotional day - the Secondary Mother’s Day Ceremony was held on Thursday 10th August. There were lots of mums present for the ceremony, and there were great speeches from students. more detail

GAC Newsletter : July 2017
“Freshy Day” Each year the students of Yr.12 prepare some interesting and entertaining activities to welcome the Yr.7 students to Lower Secondary and the Yr.10 students to Upper Secondary. Wednesday 5th July was ’Freshy Day’. more detail

GAC Newsletter : May 2017
FedEx Express / Junior Achievement International Trade Challenge Thailand 2017 Ektra GAC entered two teams into the competition this year, and they, along with the other 36 teams from Thailand, attended a workshop at the United Nations Conference Centre more detail

GAC '6' Graduation
Saturday 4th March, 2017 was the final swansong for the students of GAC ‘6’ at SarasasEktra School. After three arduous years of studying both the National Thai Curriculum, and the International Global Assessment Certificate (GAC), this was their ultimate day of celebration. more detail