Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School

Oxford University Press Workshop

                On Friday 2nd September2016, some of our foreign teachers were invited to attend seminars run by Oxford University Press (OUP).  The seminar was held in the seminar room in the Secondary Department. OUP is the publisher of our English workbooks and textbooks (Family and Friends (Years 4-6) and Q Skills  (7-9)).

               Ms. Elizabeth Edwards travelled to Bangkok to give a very insightful workshop on various tools and strategies that could be used in the classrooms by our Foreign Department, during their English lessons.

               In the morning session, some selected teachers were given a presentation of some different approaches of how to incorporate media into their lessons. The presentation gave suggestions of how it would be beneficial to our student’s development of using English and how it would support their studies. The media resource presentation provided a good insight into how iTools could be used to provide support to our teachers in their planning and delivery. 

               In the afternoon session, Year 7 to 9 English teachers were given a presentation on 21st Century skills.  These skills aim to encourage students to collaborate, become digitally literate, to be given opportunities to develop their problem solving and critical thinking skills. OUP supported our teachers by given them approaches, strategies and guidance in how to apply the above theories into their lessons. They were also given ideas of how to use the teacher’s resources and iTools program effectively.

               All teachers found the workshop to be insightful and were keen to put what they had learnt into their teaching practicum.        
