Sarasas Ektra’s “Stop Bullying” Campaign Activities

             During the past year, Sarasas Ektra School has continued its’ campaign to Stop Bullying. We want students to realize the importance of respecting others because it is very necessary for a freer society nowadays that following the Multiple Intelligences Theory from Dr. Howard Gardner. He said that “Personality is more important than intellect because the intellect is inside, but personality appears outside”. So for students to have good intellect along with good behavior, and know how to respect others, no bully your friends, the school has set up many activities to support a “No Bullying Policy” such as drama show, dancing, writing essay contest, drawing, showing videos about bullies, information board presentations and stop bullying signs posted around the school and a bully reporting letter box. More over Primary and Secondary students have to pledge to stop bullying at flag ceremony. Teachers are responsible to train student’s morality to live without bullying, for a peaceful society. We want our school to be a white school, full of love.