Digital Resilience Curriculum “Build youth to have immunity in the Internet World”

              On last Friday 13 November 2020, 250 secondary students from Yrs.7-8 participated in the training program ‘Digital Resilience Curriculum to build youth to have immunity in the Internet world’ to raise awareness and digital media literacy in today’s world. The program was organized by Instkru Cooperation Ltd. The curriculum is designed according to the situations, problems, and context of children and youth in Thailand who use the internet in daily life. They must be aware of the five following risks:
              1. Content Risk The risk of unsafe and inappropriate content
              2. Contact Risk The risk of dealing with a dishonest person
              3. Commercial Risk The risk of trading online
              4. Conduct Risk The risk of improper behaviour and mistreatment
              5. Time Consuming Risk The risk of inefficient and wasteful time consumption

             In addition, this course transmits Digital Literacy skill which is one of the most important skills in the 21st century for children and Thai youth. They need to understand and have immunity, be able to scope, resolve and recover when they encounter problems (Resilience) and help to create a secure online society for the future. The main content of training consists of the following topics:
              • Empathy – Stop Cyber bullying (Sympathy and preventing cyber bullying)
              • Media Literacy and Fake News (Keep up with the media and recognize fake news on the Internet)
              • Privacy, Security, and Cyber Threats (Privacy, security, cyber threats)
              • Cyber Ranger : Our Social Innovation (Social innovation to protect cyber world)

              In addition, students can learn through workshop activities, playing class games and exchanging information and opinions with invitations to speakers for better understanding.


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Digital Resilience

