Ektra Newsflash Academic Year 2020
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EKTRA Newsflash
On the occasion of this coming Christmas and New Year, Sarasas Ektra School still maintains it’s ‘No gift Policy’ in order to create a culture of performing duties to the fullest poten- tial for all students with equality without incentives. Therefore, asking for cooperation from all parents, to please refrain from giving any gifts/souvenirs/all types of gifts to teachers and administrators including gifts more detail
Issued Date 3rd December 2020

EKTRA Newsflash
Greeting to all parents, students, and teachers. During this rainy season, please remember to try and stay fit and healthy! The school would like to give a big thanks to everyone for their cooperation with adhering to the measures in the "New Normal" period. This is the last issue of Ektra Newsflash for this semester, 1/2020 and it has lots of interesting news for everyone. more detail
Issued Date 10th September 2020

EKTRA Newsflash
Welcome everyone to semester 1 of the academic year 2020. The school wishes to take this opportunity to express gratitude to all parents for trusting and s upporting the school. Our staff in all departments are committed to safeguarding and looking after your child as if a part of our own family. Every student will be at school with warmth and happiness. more detail
Issued Date 20th July 2020