Leadership Camp 2014 (Primary Dept.)

      The Student's Discipline and Guidance Development Group of Sarasas Ektra Primary Department hosted a Leadership Camp for Y.5 - Y.6 on 8th Nov. 2014. Students applied and were chosen to join the project to improve skills and learn to be leaders, followers and other skills to improve themselves to be good leaders for other students.

The activities were:

1. Opening camp ceremony and relationship activity for students to understand the main objectives of this camp and prepare themselves to be ready to do the activities together.

2. A Walk Rally around 5 Bases for students to learn the activity bases. There were games with specific skill objectives of which the students were informed:

Base 1 'Rocking Doll': the goal was to believe and trust.
Base 2 'Folding a Rubber Mat': the goal was to trust, sacrifice and plan.
Base 3 'Lego': the goal was to communicate, observe and plan.
Base 4 'Black Hole': the goal was to create harmony and help each other.
Base 5 'Building a Condominium': the goal was to concentrate and be detail oriented.

3. A Friendship Bridge Activity developed teamwork by building the bridge from tissue, plastic rope, paper, rubber mats, and wooden poles. Students practiced in groups and worked together to solve problems using the Win Win Win theory.

4. A Leadership Activity. Students worked together to create an idea for new projects at school and presented their projects to teachers and other friends. Projects were chosen to be continue on and implemented for the benefit of all students and the Primary Department.

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