M.I. Yr.4-5 / 2014 Activities

         Sarasas Ektra hosted a Yr. 4 – 5 Multiple Intelligences Academic Fun Fair based on the idea of Theory by Professor Howard Gardner using it to help each student find their natural ability and improve the ability more clearly.
         The fun fair was on 28th-29th August 2014. Parents were invited to join the activity. There were 2 sections for student involvement: Stage performances and Activity booths. For the stage performances, there were many activities such as Thai Classical Dance, Thai Classical Music, Single and Group Western Music and a fusion of Thai Classical and Western Music and  English Readers Theater.
         At the Booths, Mr. Alistair Lawrence was showing the activities and interviewed students at the booths in English. The activities at the booths were: Art Exploration, Junior Artists, Creative Art, Making a Comic Book, Japanese, Chinese Board Game, Paper Plane Folding, Catapult, Science Exhibition, Cartoon Movies, E-book, Recycling Products, Decorative D.I.Y, Cooking, Stage & Flower Decoration, Storytelling, Junior Poet and Sport.
         After the stage shows, students took their parents to visit the booths and explained the activity and what they created. It was an opportunity for parents to see their kid’s interest and ability through MI and to continue guiding them for more proficiency leading to a chance to find their own passions in the future.

