Mohanakhun Ceremony Academic Year 2015
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Sarasas Ektra School hosted Mohanakhun Ceremony to thank God and Holy Mother for their blessings and protection to teachers, students and parents over the course of the Academic year ending 2015. The ceremony also showed its appreciation for the all the teaching and studying and all the activities that have been successfully completed throughout the whole academic year. Thai and foreign teacher representatives gave speeches to students about how to live their lives successfully in the future and also introduced students who received scholarships from the school. Moreover all students said the promises to stop bullying and everybody sang “We are Ektra” together.
The school organised this years activity into 3 Departments:
- The Secondary Department hosted their activity on 29th February 2016 at the Seminar room.
- The Infants Department hosted their activity on 1st March 2016 at Crescent court 1.
- The Primary Department hosted their activity on 2nd March 2016 at the Auditorium, Building 6, 4th floor.
Director Pisut Yongkamol’s speech
on Mohanakhun Ceremony Academic Year 2015

Hello all teachers and students. Thank you for helping to organize all these activities. This year was the first year that the junior students joined the activity to congratulate seniors who are going to graduate. Some seniors feel that they have freedom and are free from hate. Some students hate teachers and wanted to take revenge against them. Those ideas are difficult to stop, but the students should listen to what I am about to say:
I have a story to tell you all. It’s story about “zips”. Zips are not only found on clothes, they are also used in many other things. Can you think of something else that everyone has, that is the same? Some students said it was the school logo and that is correct. The school logo has 5 symbols. The symbols are all important. People have honored and respected our uniform from the first bath until the 20th. The green shirt that has a school logo and our shorts or skirts that are in plaid are famous and well respected. Its just like when the 4 Ektra students who sang the “We are Ektra” song, this is our school song. I would like everyone to sing this song with happiness and sing it proudly. I hope everyone will sing this song forever, no matter if you are still here or not. The story of Zip that I talked earlier, it was about Greater East Asia War that occurred at the same time as World War 2. The war in Europe was started by one of Germany leaders. He created the war the expanded to Asia. The Greater East Asia War effected many countires in the Asia such as China, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and Australia. During the war, there was one Japanese man who had some friends who thought of inventing lots of different things such as; an airplane, radio antenna, a battleship or chemicals, but when someone asked this Japanese guy, what he wanted to invent he said he wanted to make a zipper. He thought of this because when soldiers went to war, everything needs a zip such a bag to carry things or cover dead bodies. After the war had finished, some of his friends gave up on their ideas, but the Japanese man was the only one who still continued on his idea to make a zipper. Although he had to pass through many obstacles, he has had a company brand called YKK that many luxury product use his zip. I mention this because sometimes when you have ideas that are too big, you cant fully concentrate on it an therefore you might not succeed. You should think of something around you, based on reality and sufficiency. Teachers have taught students to be confident, but some students have too much confidence or are too proud, look down at others and sometimes bully others. Sometimes students who are over confident use hate speech and encourage others to be bullies. Sometimes being over confidence makes you aggressive. I told you about the Zip story and many students have listened quietly. If you cant do something small (like inventing the zip), you wont be able to do bigger things in the future. So remember we are all human. Sometimes when we have an itch, we have the ability to control ourselves to not scratch it, but a dog can’t control itself and must scratch the itch. Sometimes teachers will ask students to be disciplined and sit still; this should be easy for you to do with practice.
80% of the ideas I have spoken about today, are for the teachers to listen to and to make sure that you practice following the school policies with your students. When you praise students for doing good things, they would have earned it.
For graduating students, your life is going to a new chapter. Please use your time wisely during the holidays to develop yourselves. I would like all students to put their hands together to ask Holy mother, the mother of Jesus to give light to everyone, please protect all Sarasas Ektra students to have happiness, prosperity and to be good members of their families, in society and for the country. Good-bye everyone.