Infant Dharma Activity

          Infant Department hosted a Dharma Activity on Thursday 9th July 2015 to support and instill virtues in KG. 2-3 students. The activity was set up at Sarasas Ektra Infant Department under building 1. The school invited Phra Kru Saungkarak PreechaJityano from the Mahamakut Buddhist University to teach about Dharma with learning media that concentrates on intellect and virtue in a fun way for students.
          Phra Kru started to teach Dharma by asking the students to pray and then concentrated on breathing technique. While students concentrated, they said the words“Good kids, the Enlightened, Awakened and Brightened One, clean and peaceful”. After that Phar Kru taught Dharma by using story telling. Topics included what to do when you go to a temple, how to be a good kid for helping parents, stop bullying between friends, sin and good deeds and not killing animals.
          These Dharma Activities gave dharmic principles in a fun and meaningful way for students to apply in daily life to help them to be good for their family, school, society and the country.
