Sarasas Afflilated School Big Band Music Contest 2015

        Sarasas Ektra School hosted a Big Band Music Contest on 18th January 2016. This contest was between all the schools from district 4 which are Sarasas Ektra School, Sarasas Witaed Saimai School, Sarasas Witaed Nakhonpathom School and Sarasas Witaed Minburi School. The Big Band Music Contest is a great opportunity for teachers to tap into their students potential by encouraging them to produce quality music. This was also an opportunity for the all the schools to exchange ideas and experiences in how to develop their own music bands. Furthermore, this event further solidified relationships between teachers and their students who responded to the policies of the schools mentioned and the board of the executives.

Criteria for song selection (two songs per band):
1. A song written by the King (English version) 2. Their own choice of Western song

Scoring rule
Scoring for singing
        1. Pronunciation 15 points
        2. Melody 15 points
        3. Expression 10 points
        Score Total 40 points
Scoring for the Music produced by the bands
        1.The merging of sound 25 points
        2.High-Low (Dynamic) 15 points
        3.The unity of the band 10 points
        4.Creativity 10 points
        Score Total 60 points         

Total all score 100 points

The Results in the Big Band Music Contest

First place: Sarasas Ektra School Primary Department
(Song written by the King: No Moon and Western song: Fly me to the moon)

Second place: Sarasas Ektra School Secondary Department
(Song written by the King: Love at Sundown and Western song: Uptown Funk)

Third place: Sarasas Witaed Saimai School

Encouragement award: Sarasas Witaed Nakhonpathom School and Sarasas Witaed Minburi School

The Best Singer:
        Ms. Patrajaree Vanichvongvan Yr.6D

The Best Musicians:
        1. Mr. Tanawin Limrattanasaran Yr.12C
        2. Mr. Isoon Veerakanit Yr.12C
        3. Mstr.Theerat Kiatthawornchai Yr.8B
        4. Mr.Theeraseth Lersnapasiri Yr.12B
