Sarasas Ektra Primary Department hosted the “Ektra Singing Contest 2015”, final round on 23rd Jul 2015 at the Auditorium for students to develop their singing skills, develop performing confidence and give enjoyment to the audience. Five students passed to final round from a total 32 candidates. In final round, teachers asked students to sing a song about ‘Stop Bullying’.
Ektra Singing Contest 2015 Awards
First place
Ms. Yanin Prommachant Yr.6D “When you believe”

Second place
Mstr.Akkarawit Suksansiriwong Yr.5B “Greatest love of all”

Tied Third place
Ms.Amelie Florence Van Lieshout Yr.4C “Who says”

Ms.Wariya Wattanavarun Yr.6D “True Colors”

Encouragement award
Ms.Ajariya Chinomi Yr.5F “Firework”
Special show by last winner
Ms. Patarajaree Vanichvongvan Yr.6D “For the first time in forever”