Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School

English Summer Camp 2016: Episode 2

           The Primary Department hosted the English Summer Camp 2016 presentation for Episode 2 on 28th April 2016 at the Auditorium, 4th floor, Building 6. The activities started with a presentation, showing all the parents a video of all the activities the students did during camp. After that students from Wheels Ahead students showed all the work they had done during this episode which included making Chinese lanterns, a Medusa doll and a dragon. There were also booths to show everyone what they had learnt about Olympic Sport history, Zodiac signs and learning about good fortune etc.


Following this the Full Steam Camp’s students had an opportunity to show their work which included Making a tractor from paper, moulding soil into many animal shapes, raising earthworms in bottles (making an earthworm far , using grains and sticking onto paper to create many shapes and finally a booth was set up to show everyone the world of a worm. Students also played a game called 'Fox and Geese', which was played in the 14th century. The game allowed students to learn about strategising to make sure their rivals couldn't win.

