Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School

English Summer Camp 2016 Episode 1

           The Primary Department held English Summer Camp 2016 activities for Episode 1 on the 8th April 2016, at the Auditorium Room, 6th Floor, Building 4. The activities were divided into 2 camps, namely Wheels Ahead consisting of students from Yr.2-Yr.3 and Full Steam students of Yr.4-Yr.6. The activities were split into lots of bases and the parents could visit the event and have a look at their child’s work. Wheels Ahead and Full Steam Camp Episode 1 details below.

Wheels Ahead Camp under the theme “ Empires of the world.”

           - The Shakers base: The students used symbols to make sentences. A long time ago there were no words and people used symbols to communicate in writing.
           - The Builders base: Students designed houses and built pyramids out of paper.
           - The Players base: Students moved their bodies through activities such as Handball, Boxing, Woman Sports, Hoops etc.
           - The Makers base: Students were trained to mold clay into kitchen items, which included fruit and vegetables.

Full Steam camp under the theme “Down on the farm.”

           - Glass Head base : Students learnt how to grow morning glory using cotton wool. The students put cotton in stockings made it into a toy doll and then planted morning glory inside the dolls head.
           - Making Finger Puppet base : Students cut paper into animal shapes to put on their fingers. They also wrote stories about a farm, with drawings and paint.
           - New Modern Farm base : Students designed their own farms by using various materials such as wood, ice cream sticks, sand, twigs and leaves which they used to decorate their trees meadows, huts, sand and more.
           - Scare Crows and Cheesecake base : Students designed scarecrows and also practice making cheesecake. The ingredients used were yogurt, milk, butter, bread, strawberries, etc. These were mixed and then put in the refrigerator to allow the mixture to set for one hour before it was ready to eat.
