On the 3rd of June 2015, our school hosted activities for World Environment Day on the ground floor of St. John the Baptist building, secondary campus. The aim was to raise students' awareness of and responsibility for existing natural resources as well as to urge them to maintain a pleasant and healthy environment in their classrooms.
The theme of this event, "6 ways to save the environment," was intended to give secondary students from each year the opportunity of presenting their environment conservation projects, which were as follows:
"Less Pollution, Purer Air" (year 7),
"Saving-Water Awareness" (year 8),
"Save Energy, Relieve Global Warming" (year 9),
"Habitable Classrooms" (year 10),
"3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)" (year 11),
"Liveable Classrooms" (year 12)
The event closed with a finale called "The Power of Our Green Hand" performed by environment ambassadors, who passed their ambassadorship on to their juniors. After the finale, students were urged to participate in the "Cleaning Classroom" activity by cleaning their classrooms to make their classrooms more liveable.
The atmosphere of this event was marked by joy and creativity. An award announcement was also held to present awards to the winners of the environment conservation drawing contest. The winners were as follows: Junior secondary level: Miss Pakjira Thanattakorn from 8A.
Senior secondary level: Mr. Yoshiyuki Issarangkul na Ayuthaya from 12E.
The winner: Junior secondary level |
The winner: Senior secondary level |
Miss Pakjira Thanattakorn |
Mr. Yoshiyuki Issarangkul na Ayuthaya |
from 8A |
from 12E |