Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School

Silpa Bhirasri Day

            On the 15th of September 2016, Sarasas Ektra School hosted some activities to commemorate Professor Silpa Bhirasri, father of Thai art and founder of Silpakorn University. Professor Silpa Bhirasri devoted his whole life to encouraging his students to express their viewpoints and creativity through the medium of art.
The activities held were as follows.

            The Infant Department gave a talk about art to KG1 and KG2. The talk was followed by base activities held on the ground floor of Building 1. 
               1.Drawing Base : Kindergartners practiced drawing and painting individual imaginative pictures.
               2. Imprinting Base : Kindergartners practiced using sponges shaped in various forms to create a variety of shapes by dipping the sponges in water color and imprint them on pieces of paper.
               3. Sculpting Base : Kindergartners practiced molding dough into as many shapes as they could imagine and put the products in boxes as mementos.

            The Secondary Department held an Art Workshop supervised by senior secondary students, who were positioned in several bases and were responsible for overseeing the activity of each base.
               1. Base 1 - Dyed fabric : Students created patterns on fabric by painting on it.
               2. Base 2 - Nature imprinting on paper : Students brought materials from nature such as corn, leaves, etc., dipped them in color and imprinted their nature patterns onto paper. 

               3.Base 3 - Water-color postcards : Students designed their own postcards and painted their designs using water color.

               4. Base 4 - Key rings : Students colored drawings they had previously prepared; the colored drawings were then punctured and inserted into key rings.

               5. Base 5 - Color dropping on folded paper : Students dropped color on pieces of paper and folded them into halves to create various colorful patterns.

            All of the above-mentioned activities contributed to students’ passion for and insight into art. Students also had a chance to practice making several forms of artwork using their own imagination, which helped promote their Multiple Intelligences (MI) in terms of art and spatial relationships.
