Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School Sarasas Ektra School

Feast Day and WaiKru Day, Kindergarten Department, 2016

           Feast Day and WaiKru Day were held by the Kindergarten Department on Thursday 9th June 2016, which also marked the 70th anniversary of accession to the throne of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

           The ceremony to show our respect and loyalty consisted of presenting the ‘Panpum’ floral arrangements before the King’s image. Everyone, including parents and caregivers, wore yellow T-shirts in order to show their unity and gratitude.

           The feast day ceremonies forourHoly Mother Mary and Saint Dominic Savio, the Patron Saint of our school, wereheld afterwards, when we asked for their blessings for all teachers, students and other staff.

           Then WaiKru, the ceremony in which students show their respect and love for their teachers, commenced by having representatives from each class present their ‘Panpum’ floral arrangements, including incense sticks, candles and garlands, to their teachers. They were impressive and much appreciated.

           Finally, Director Paweenrat spoke to the students and parents and caregivers, emphasizing the duty and role of the teacher to take careof their children to the best of their ability. She was followed byall the teachers singing the song ‘Sanyakongkru’ (The Teacher’s Vow).
