On the 28th of October, 2016 Sarasas Ektra School’s administrators, teachers, and students held a mourning ceremony in commemoration of our late King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Representatives of the administrators, teachers, and students presented to the late king’s image his royal words. After that, the whole school wholeheartedly sang the following songs: the Royal Anthem “Sansoen Phra Barami,” “Nai Luang Khong Pan Din” or The King of Nation, and “Roop Tee Me Took Ban” or An Omnipresent Poster. This session was followed by students’ processions of various symbols suggestive of the late king’s grace. In the end, Thai teachers pinned black ribbons on foreign teachers’ left sleeves, while senior students pinned black ribbons on junior students’ left sleeves.