AFR Day (Apology, Forgiveness, Reconciliation)

       Sarasas Ektra School organised the activity “AFR Day” on December 21st, 2018. AFR stands for Apology, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation. The aim of the activity was to encourage students to be humble enough to apologize, to forgive, and be reconciled with others. The details of the activity are described below.  

       -  In the morning, there was the Nativity procession and a performance “The Birth of Jesus”. Students learned about the origin of Christmas in this show. This was followed by a performance of chorus students. Next, there were lucky draws and the Chair of the activity gave lucky draw prizes to students. Lastly, everyone sang a song “Jingle Bells”.

       -  In the afternoon, students were allowed to have small parties in their classrooms. Students could bring snacks and enjoy time together with their classmates. In the parties, Thai and foreign teachers exchanged their cards for season’s best wishes. At the same time, students wrote on tiny heart-shaped cards which were prepared by teachers. After writing, each student put their tiny heart cards on the board which finally formed up to a big heart shape. In this activity, students were able to give best wishes to their classmates and apologize to those who had been bullied or teased either intentionally or unintentionally. This was a chance of everyone to forgive one another.

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