Education Guidance Activity: Toward Senior Secondary Education

             On Saturday September 29th, 2018, an education guidance activity with the theme "Toward Senior Secondary Education" was conducted at the school's seminar room, 7th floor, St. John the Baptist Building. This was an opportunity for Year 9 parents, including parents of outside students who wish their children to study at Sarasas Ektra School, to learn about curriculum structures and guides to university education. Knowing about guides to university education can help students decide about their educational pathways in senior secondary education. 

             Parents met the school's Thai and foreign secondary level administrators and attended a seminar about curriculum structures, educational plans, and potential development pathways toward university education. Additionally, Ektra's Batch 19 alumni were invited to the seminar to share their university admission experience. Parents then had lunch and listened to beautiful music performed by Sarasas Ektra students.   




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Education Guidance Activity

