Closing Liturgy for the 2018 Academic Year
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The closing liturgy for the 2018 academic year was held on Friday 22nd February 2019 at the Auditorium in Building 6. It was held to thank God and Holy Mary who blessed and protected teachers, students and parents in their teaching and learning activities and their successes throughout the past academic year. This year we were honored to have Father Pratheep Sutthinawin join us in the ceremony and we sang together the hymns: ‘One Family Under God’ and ‘Give Me Oil in My Lamp’.
Homily by Father Pratheep Sutthinawin
On the occasion of the closing liurgy for the 2018 academic year

Today is an auspicious day. It’s a good day that good people come together do good things in life. Have you ever heard of this proverb? “Near the fire is hot, near the wind is cold”? What you do, you will get. Today children come here to the holy place do sacred things; Father believes that the sacred will give you blessings to be happy and prosperous.
Nowadays, pastor and monks are defeated by artists and singers. Taking the singer, for example, children can sing his song and can follow his dance, but if the monk says, children will complain: “When will you finish?” Today I want to give something good. Whether you want it depends on you. I was once a child, but children have not yet been adults therefore I have been where you are now. Today’s society is frightening. Thai children will destroy Thailand without knowing it.
1) Unruly children go to school, but do not carry a pen but carry a knife, a gun, and a bomb like group of children who attacked the younger ones. If they are really good at those things why do not go to help the three southern border provinces?
2) Some spoiled children are dressed for school but don’t go to classes.
3) Some children are addicted to games and chat rooms. Some join drug - addicted groups, too.
I like the chrysanthemum. ‘Benja’ means five, and ‘mas’ means gold. I will bring the meaning to you to. Listen to 5 things.
1. S= Shame: People today are not shy. Adults who cheat the Nation are not shy. Thai people are less shy. Teenagers hug each other while walking in the mall. Remember that men who did this kind of thing with you are not worth associating with. They molest us from the beginning. Women and girls mustremember that their dignity girl depends upon the purity of both body and mind. A girl can have a boyfriend but they must behave properly. As for using vulgar words, in fact children are in a lovely age, so remember that ‘a tree is known by its fruit’ and ‘think of all the words spoken but don’t say all the words you think’.
2. A = Apichatabutra is a child who make parents happy because he or she is a good child. Kama makes those who hurt parents like a rocket. They do not see parents as better than a boy friend. We have parents for always, but boyfriends can change often. Better to be an Apichatabutra.
3. H= Humble The charm of people depends on this thing. The great man must be humble. If we want to build a large building we need money. If we want to create great man we must use morality. No one likes imprudent people.
4. L C= Liberal and Compassionate. People nowadays lack compassion and forgiveness. Just driving a car across town can seem like a fight. Compassion will give you prestige.
5. A= Attention, especially to your studies. You don’t have many missions other than to study so that your parents will be happy. You don’t need to be a brilliant student; you just need to do and be the best you can.
Finally, I leave a message for teachers and administrators. The word ‘teacher’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘Guru’. The teacher must be firm in resolve and full of virtue. The teacher is the second parent of the child, a partner also with God in caring for all Sarasas Ektra students. Please, may God bless all teachers, leaders and administrators, and all students to attain happiness and prosperity.
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