Parents’ meeting: Secondary Department

             On August 31, 2019 the Secondary Department organized a parents’ meeting regarding the student care guidelines, public relations announcements through the ‘Checker’ application, and the Midterm grade report for Semester One. The meeting was held at the Auditorium, 4th floor Building 6.

             Activities in the morning focussed on parents of students in Junior Secondary level. In the afternoon the focus was on Senior Secondary. Parents were informed about the details of the usage features and registration of the Checker system. This is the application for scanning a student’s ID card by QR code in order to record information and bring it to use in various systems, including school attendance reports, notification of public relations news, and student affairs. Useful information can be communicated to parents immediately through the application “Line”. Following the presentation parents met with class teachers to receive assessment reports and exchange information so they could work together to promote students’ potential.

             School wishes to thank parents who attended this activity for their cooperation. We hope our parent-school partnership will continue to thrive in the years to come.


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Parents’ Meeting

