2019 Parent Meeting of Kindergarten – Primary Department
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The school organized a parent meeting for new Nursery to Year 6 students and current Year 1 students on Saturday May 25th, 2019. The aim of the meeting was to build understanding of students’ academic performance development, supplementary activities for skills development, guidelines of evaluation and assessment, rules and regulations by discipline department, and pastoral care.
School would like to thank all the parents who participated in the parent meeting. We look forward to receiving continuing cooperation with you in the coming school year.
The Speech of Director Pisut Yongkamol
2019 Parent Meeting

Hello everyone. I am glad that everyone likes the video that was shown just a moment ago. Its title is “Grow Honest”. The episode which everyone has just watched is “Doughnut”. I would like everyone to think about it and don’t just let it pass. I am still wondering if he does this quite often - taking advantage of others by not getting in line when buying things. I guess it’s the way he’s been raised.
In my opinion, we encounter this kind of person every day, and we mostly are taken advantage of. I have also been involved in this kind of situation. It should not happen. Parents should teach their children about self-control, respect for the rights of others, and self-understanding. If they do, all these bad things will not happen. Some children bully others at home, but are bullied at school. Some children are bullied at home but bully others at school. Hence, I try to build a good culture but I can not guarantee that everything will be accomplished in a short time. I try to teach good culture through every activity.
Many of you may have heard my stories of how I was bullied when I was young. I was in trouble after helping others who were bullied. The bullies splashed water on my head when I was eating. I was kicked. I did good things, but they did not like what I did. The school’s support system did not really protect me. Therefore, I wish I make this school “a white school”.
Your child may be a victim of cyberbullying or bullying in the playground. Are there any ways we can direct our children to watch only good things on YouTube? We cannot stay away from e-mail and Line. I use them to stay updated. I did not think I would be a user of Line and Facebook because I did not want to get addicted and be controlled by them, but I eventually have had to use them because of external factors. For example, they bring my old friends back.
I try to think of what I can do to make my school “a positive school”. I have studied for many years to figure out what would be the cause of bullying, both intentionally and unintentionally. Bullying falls into 3 kinds.
1. Rude – To hurt others’ feelings through speaking or unintentional actions just one time. For example, I was once hit by parents without knowing that I am the owner of the school.
2. Bullying - To hurt others’ feelings through speaking or intentional action just one time. This is called “being mean”. For example, you do not share your snack with your friends, but you do this only once.
3. Bullying - To hurt others’ feelings through speaking or acting repeatedly without caring about the feelings of others. This is called “bullying”.
I have read many research articles such as the article written by Emily Esfahani Smith who is a Muslim lady. Her parents were from Iran but later moved to Canada. Esfahani defines what is called a “Meaningful Life” as a “purposeful life” which consists of 4 principles.
1. Belong to For example, I am a student. I always tell my subordinates that we are someone who also belongs to someone such as father, daughter or son, and teacher.
2. Purpose Your current goal is to make your child a kind veterinarian. You must be the role model. If you hate dogs, your child may hate dogs too. If you teach your child to love cats, you will still love cats despite being scratched by them. Esfahani had talked to a lady who worked with animal data collection. She was happy to do this job because she worked for children. Her job was about cleaning up stuff. In her opinion, this job was not a dirty job.
3. Transcendence It is about knowing yourself. When you are mindful, you reduce your ego. You will be kind and see many more things around yourself.
4. Storytelling This is the most difficult. For instance, how do I become so angry and throw everything? Write your own story and ponder it if there is anything good in it, Esfahani replies. Esfahani is a new world woman who believes in rights and freedom. She is not bullied like other women in the Middle East and Iran.
I would like to give you the “Johari Window” model which describes 4 types of self.
1. Open Self: Open yourself or character which you and others have already known.
2. Hidden Self: I hide my hotheaded character. This is so called “hidden” from being known by others.
3. Blind Self: Your own character which you do not know but others do. For example, your stinginess.
4. Unknown Self: Your character which you and others do not know. For instance, you have never known that you are good at music because you have never played any musical instruments, and other people also do not know that you are musically talented.
There are many things in life which we have got for free such as joyfulness, hugs, love, family, and good physical and mental health. These can make you happy. Thank you for trusting the school and sending your children here. The school cannot accomplish everything. However, with strong intention and ambition, I am doing my best to polish all the diamonds and make their value higher. If they are ceramics, they must be valuable ceramics of which there are many uses. If there is any inconvenience caused today, I apologize and thank everyone for sacrificing your valuable time to be here.
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