School Van Club meeting for Academic Year 2019

             On July 20, 2019, Sarasas Ektra School Van Club conducted their annual meeting for the academic year 2019
with the following activities:
             1. A presentation on first aid and self-care after work by a team from Bangpakok 1 Hospital.
             2. Giving the pledge to the ‘90 days I will not drink Project’ to allow all religions to be aware of health care and behave as good people according to their own religious practice.
             3. Awards for outstanding vans, excellent drivers and staff who take care of students in the vans.
             4. Recreational activities and the annual raffle prizes to encourage morale among all members.
             Sarasas Ektra School Van Club commits to picking up and setting down students with the safest and best service. If parents are interested in using the service, thereby helping to reduce traffic problems, they can contact the School Van Club office, Sarasas Ektra School, Building 6, Kindergarten-Primary Department, or telephone 085-1110260.


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Sarasas Ektra School Van Club

