Ektra's Pride
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Ms. Supaktha Anuntachart
Sarasas Ektra Batch 6 (Yr. 7 - 12)
Education: Bachelor of Engineering Management from Sirindhorn International Institute of technology,
Thammasart University (SIIT)
Work History:
Currently as a Pastry Chef based in Auckland, New Zealand
Feelings towards Ektra:
Sarasas Ektra is not just a school but a place that can be called “Home”. Our teachers guided us through life lessons, frustrations, caring and love. That may be because we started as a small family. In our batch we had two rooms and about twenty students in each room. Seniors and juniors became brothers and sisters. Our engagement outside the classroom and outside the blue-yellow fence has lasted long, until now.
Pride during studying at Ektra:
Becoming the Color Captain in our final year, that makes us proud, but pride does not depend on a trophy, winning the first prize, but it is pride in doing activities with younger students, talking to class teachers, having fun and suffering together. Pride at that moment doesn’t happen when younger students in a team won the sport competition or when walking out to receive a trophy. It happens when we do what we love and when we have fun with every moment of that time.
Another activity which made me proud was to be a part of the first batch of the School Military Band, even though having opportunity to participate after finishing school. Being a part of the band and practicing with younger students meant we had a small family, and again I can say that pride is not in the trophy or the praise but the courage to do it, to see ourselves and younger students trying their best like the one sentence we always heard: “Success is not a destination, it’s a journey”
Impressions during my studies at Ektra:
Throughout my time in the school, there were many impressive events, but the most impressive thing was the cool time after school, a time in which we did not have any special thing; it was just a plain cool everyday home-time at school when I and many brothers and sisters would like to stay at school for a long time. We had opportunities to talk to many teachers, which is not in the image of teaching, but talking about life experiences and many times that we can pass on many problems from what was taught outside the classroom. At other places outside the school fence teachers would act and do their duty as teachers, admonishing students, but inside the blue-yellow fence we and teachers could be members of the family, feeling comfortable sharing our stories.
Things received from studying at Ektra:
Ektra cultivated us with the school motto “Whatever you do, do it seriously” (AGE QUAD AGIS). It makes us become people who do anything with full effort and without regretting what we have already done. We will not be afraid if we decide to do anything reasonable thoroughly. Living outside the Ektra fence it is not easy but the things that we have received from school make us become people who dare to do rather than waiting for the opportunities to come to us.
Ideas I would like to give to younger students:
I want you to remember well “The 3 C’s of life: Choices, Chances, and Changes”. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. I want you to understand that ‘No matter where you live, life is about change and we always change. Live your life; be happy, and enjoy every change’.