Youth Student Exchange Project, Jenesys 2.0

          The Japanese Government invited Thai students to join a Youth Student Exchange Project, JENESYS 2.0. For the 12th time , students were invited to participate in Japanese language. The purpose of the project is to support interest in Japan as well as introduce Japanese society and culture to Asian and Oceania youth from the 12th - 20th January 2015 in Japan. The Japanese Government sponsored airfare, transportation, living costs and food expenses.
          The Office of Private Education Commission joined with Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education for Private Schools nationwide to choose secondary students in year 10 or 11 ( between 15 – 18 years old) who currently study Japanese language. The school recommended Miss Urassaya Changkol of Year 11C to join the project, and she was chosen from The Office of Private Education Commission. Urassaya was 1 of 93 students chosen nationwide.

Congratulations to

Miss Urassaya Changkol from Year 11C
who was our representative to join the Youth Student Exchange Project,
JENESYS 2.0: “Japanese Language 12th Batch”

hosted by The Office of Private Education Commission and
the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education from 12th - 20th January 2015 in Japan.