Honor Roll: Academic Year 2014
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Genius Science and Mathematics Talent Project Academic Year 2014
Congratulations to Miss Irinraya Pitakwong Year 3 student Receicved Mathametics Silver Award from Genius Science and Mathematics Talent Project Academic Year 2014 Hosted by The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST)

Company of the Year 2014
Congratulations to Sarasas Ektra School students named their company ‘Mengo’ Received Third Place with 5,000 baht prize money and b) The Best Advertising Spot with 3,000 baht prize money. from Company of the Year 2557 Hosted by Junior Achievement Thailand and the Bangkok Bank

Youth Student Exchange Project, Jenesys 2.0
Congratulations to Miss Urassaya Changkol from Year 11C who was our representative to join the Youth Student Exchange Project, JENESYS 2.0: “Japanese Language 12th Batch” hosted by The Office of Private Education Commission and the Office of the Permanent Secretary,

International Academic Contest 2015 First Round
Congratulations to Students from Primary Year 4 – 6 Receiving Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals in Primary Level Mathematics and Science The aim is to develop the quality of learning to an international level

Singha-ISF Golf Junior Championship 2015
Congratulations to Mstr. Pisit Chatchalermchai, Yr. 1D Received the Winning Award From Sing-ISF Golf Junior Championship 2015, Category : Male E group(Age between 7-8 years) At Prime Golf and Resort On Sunday 28th December 2014

the Fourth "Sornthong" Thai Instrumental Music Contest 2014
School admiration goes to Mstr. Panitan Areepongsa from Yr.10A for passing through to the final round of 25 competitors chosen nationwide in the Fourth "Sornthong" Thai Instrumental Music Contest 2014 hosted by The Foundation of Luang Pradit

36th National Students Sports "Chiang Rai Games"
Congratulations to Miss Ploypailin Learngsurong, Year 8C, a Bangkok Representative. She received a Winners Award for the GO Women's Team at the "36th National Students Sports Chiang Rai Games."

“Reaching ASEAN Citizenship through National Core Values” English Speech Contest
Congratulations to Miss Yanissra Korwattan selected to be one of the five representatives from Central Thailand and Bangkok Region in the “Reaching ASEAN Citizenship through National Core Values” English Speech Contest Project “Thai Education towards ASEAN Community”

15th Thinking and Solving Mathematical Problems Competition
Congratulations to primary students from Year 3 – 6 for received Gold, Silver and Bronze medals or an encouragement certificate. from 15th Thinking and Solving Mathematical Problems Competition.

TGA-Singha Junior Golf Ranking
Congratulations to Mstr. Pisit Chatchalermchai, Yr. 1D who won Second Place in the TGA-Singha Junior Golf Ranking Contest, court 4, class E, male age 7-8 years old. Hosted by Thailand Golf Association in Eastern Thailand, 21st - 23rd November 2014 at the Mida Golf Club

11th Thai Language PetchYodMongkut Contest : Secondary Level
Congratulations to Ms.Pichamon Kaweepati student Yr.12B Received Encouragement Award PetchYod Mongkut, and Praravijitpatipan Scholarship 1,000 baht from 11th Thai Language PetchYod Mongkut Contest Royal Cup from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn

11th Thai Language PetchYodMongkut Contest : Primary Level
Congratulations to Mstr. Supadej Arunsupanit student Yr.3F Received Encouragement Award PetchYod Mongkut, and Praravijitpatipan Scholarship 1,000 baht from 11th Thai Language PetchYod Mongkut Contest Royal Cup from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn

3rd Thammasat Taekwondo Championship of Thailand
Congratulations to Mstr. Jetnipat Sriwattano student Yr.5A received the Award (Silver Medal) from 3rd Thammasat Taekwondo Championship of Thailand Contest (Electric Armour) at THE VISION - NACHA TEAM Age 9-10 years old, Male 24-27 K.G. Type: Fighting, Batch B,

9th The Japanese Language PetchYod Mongkut Contest
Congratulations to Mstr.Rio Aoyagi Yr.9A student Received The Honorable Consolation Prize , and Praprommangalajarn Scholarship 2,000 baht from 9th The Japanese Language PetchYod Mongkut Contest Royal Cup from His Royal Highness Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn and...

9th English Language PetchYod Mongkut Contest : Secondary Level
Congratualtions to Ms.Avapa Peisiripatana student Yr.8A, Mr.Ram Sukkirtkijpibul student Yr.12E and Ms.Chirapa Peisiripatana student Yr.10E Received Encouragement Award from 9th English Language PetchYod Mongkut Contest

9th English Language PetchYod Mongkut Contest : Primary Level
Congratualtions to Mstr. Tee Dejpokket student Yr.5D, and Miss Irada Kaitsingnakorn student Yr.6A Received Encouragement Award from 9th English Language PetchYod Mongkut Contest Royal Cup from Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn

'Drawing Contest of World Food Day 2014' contest
Congratulations to Mr. Panut Seangwanich, a Y.11D student who won the 'Drawing Contest of World Food Day 2014' contest. The Secondary Level topic was on "Family Agriculture Save the World". The competition was held at the Multipurpose Court, Government Complex

the National Excellent Volunteer of 2014
More congratulations to Mr. Panut Seangwanich from Y.11D who received a Royal Trophy from Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali. It was the award for the National Excellent Volunteer of 2014 for National Council on Social Welfare of Thailand's Day and Thai Volunteer's Day

Yamaha Thailand Music Festival 2015
Congratulations to Mstr. Pattadon Kamolkuntitorn an Ektra Year 8B student for receiving the YAMAHA GOLDEN PRIZE at the "Yamaha Thailand Music Festival 2015" in Bangkok and was chosen to compete in the final round for Classical Guitar, Intermediate Class, not over 14 years old

International Mathematics and Science Olympiad For Primary School 2014
Congratulations to Mstr. Kasidit Juntarojjanawong, a Year 6 Student, won the Silver Medal in the International Mathematics and Science Olympiad: Primary Schools 2014 (IMSO 2014) Hosted from 5th – 11th Oct. 14 in Indonesia

the 6th Petch Yod Mongkut Economic Contest
Congratulations to Mstr. Tussatum Urkulwarawat from Yr.4B who received the Encouragement Award and Scholarship from the Securities Exchange of Thailand in the 6th Petch Yod Mongkut Economic Contest.

the 34th SCG Junior Badminton Championships 2014
Congratulations to Mstr. Punthorn Seangwanich from Yr.9B who received the second place title for a Single Player at the 34th SCG Junior Badminton Championships in 2014. Mstr. Seangwanich was also a winning member of the Team Players (under 14 yrs. old).

Triam Udom Gifted Math & Outstanding Students search : TUGMOs
Congratulations for the students who received the award of the Contest Triam Udom Gifted Math & Outstanding Students search : TUGMOs 12th time of 2014 for compete a scholarship and a trophy. Hosted by Mathematics Learning Group, on 28th August 2014.

Chinese Language Petch Yod Mongkut Contest
Congratulations to Miss Kojchamon Chin Yr.9C and Miss Jia Jia Pi Yr.7D received the Encouragement Award and the Praphommungkalajan Scholarship in the amount of 1,000 Baht from Chinese Language Petch Yod Mongkut Contest on the 11th time (International)

The 11th China Southeast Mathematics Olympiad (SMO2014)
Congratulations to Mstr. Nutchakoj Kittisut Yr.9A who won the Encouragement Award from Mathematics Olympic Asia Contest for Senior Secondary 2014 (11th time): The 11th China Southeast Mathematics Olympiad (SMO2014) during 24th July-2nd August 2014 at Hangzhou, Zhejiang , China

Air Force Junior Badminton Championships 2014
Congratulations to Mstr. Pannathor Seangwanich of Yr.9B who placed third in the male singles and second in the male doubles (under 14 years old) in the Air Force Junior Badminton Championships 2014, held by the Royal Thai Air Force from 27th June- 8th August 2014

the Match Play Championship Sino-Thai Youth Golf Tournament
Congratulations to Mstr. Nateethorn Taechareungjit from Yr.9A who won the Match Play Championship Sino-Thai Youth Golf Tournament. A great victory as it was the first time he played in this competition. held from 6th - 11th August 2014

Dual Awards: Grateful to the best Mother award + the Best Mother Award.
Congratulations to Miss Nattamon Chatteraparb and her mother Mrss Pawarat Rungreung who both received the Royal Award for being grateful to the best Mother and the best Mother Award from Culture Alumni Association under the Royal Patronge of her Majesty the Queen.

Star Kids Singing Contest
Congratulations to Miss Patjaree Wanichwongwan of Yr. 5D for winning the Star Kids Singing Champ fight Champ Contest (on air since Wednesday 30th July 2014, 3:30pm) hosted by Star Kids, Channel 3 on Thursday 26th July 2014.

2014 CULI Red Cross English Quiz
Congratulations to Mstr. Thiti Herabut, Mstr. Tanin Phattarasuwan and Mstr. Isara RairatSarasas Ektra School's team won second place and received a trophy from the Chancellor of Chulalongkorn University, 2nd place award money and a certificate on Friday 18th July 2014

TrueVisions - The Mall International Taekwondo Championships 2014 By RDC
Congratulations to Mstr. Jetnipat Sriwattano, Yr.5A He received the second place and a Silver Medal on the International Taekwondo Contest hosted by True Visions - The Mall International Taekwondo Championships 2014 By RDC on 12th -13th July 2014

TrueVisions - The Mall International Taekwondo Championships 2014 By RDC
Congratulations to Mstr. Krisched Rattanakulchaiwattana, Yr.2F He received the second place and a Bronze Medal on the International Taekwondo Contest hosted by True Visions - The Mall International Taekwondo Championships 2014 By RDC on 12th -13th July 2014

Sripatum Taekwondo Championship PSS #1 2014
Congratulations to Mstr. Jetnipat Sriwattano, Yr.5A for receiving a Second Place (Silver medal) in the Natcha Team, type and age group competition: 9-10 years old, 25-27 kg.organized by Sripatum University on Sunday, 6th July 2014.

Capable in a Sport Shirt
Congratulations to Miss Nathanich Chantharojwong, Yr. 9A who received a “Capable in a Sport Shirt” for being a gold medalist for 3 continuous years in Thai Go competition categorized: best female team, organized by Bangkok province on 13th June 2014.

Bangkok Taekwondo Competition 2014
Congratulations to Mstr. Krisched Rattanakulchaiwattana Yr.2F, for winning “The 1st Runner-up” award at the Bangkok Taekwondo Competition 2014 for children in the age group of 7 – 8 years old and weight class 20 – 23 kg.organized by Bangkok Sports Association, 7th June 2014.

Bangkok Taekwondo Competition 2014
Congratulations to Mstr. Jetnipat Sriwatano Y.5A, for winning “The 2nd Runner-up” award at the Bangkok Taekwondo Competition 2014 for children in the age group of 9 – 10 years old and weight class 23 – 26 kg.organized by Bangkok Sports Association on Saturday, 7th June 2014.

The International Mathematics Competition for the academic year 2014
School would like to congratulate Mstr. Kasidith Chantharojnawong Yr.6C for being the gold medalist in the International Mathematics Competition for the academic year 2014 organized by The Office of the Board of Directors of Basic Education on 26th march 2014 at Bitech Bangna.

Yamaha Thailand Music Festival 2014” [Final round]
Congratulations to Mstr. Jirakiti Chantaroj Year 1A Was award the first runner up in the division of Welcome Electone Ensemble for children below 8 years of age in the Yamaha Thailand Music Festival 2014. at The Aksra Theatre King Power on Sunday 4th May 2014

“Yamaha Thailand Music Festival 2014” [Final round]
Congratulations to Mstr.Phatthadol Kamonkhantithorn Year 8B to the
second runner up in in the
category of Classical Guitar under the age of 14
at The Aksra Theatre King Power on Thursday 1st May 2014