BPK Penabur Schools from Jakarta, Indonesia visit Sarasas Ektra School.
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On the 29th January 2015, Sarasas Ektra received a visit from Principal Shirley Puspitawati and her colleagues from Penabur International and Penabur Bandung Schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Penabur school group is a private Presbyterian foundation responsible for more than 60 schools in Indonesia.
On their visit to Thailand they were interested to come and see the GAC programme at Ektra Secondary and learn from our experiences as they have recently started the GAC in some of their schools in Jakarta.
As Thailand moves towards ASEAN, Sarasas Ektra School is keen to develop and build relationships with overseas schools such as the Penabur group in Jakarta, Indonesia for the benefit and growth of our student’s experiences.

Ektra GAC teachers meeting Indonesian Visitors. L to R: Mr. Stephen (Ektra), Mr. Yanoar (Penabur inter),
Mr. George & Mr. Carleton (Ektra), Ms. Lidiawati (Penabur Bandung),
Mr. Phil C (Ektra) and Ms. Elisabeth (Penabur Bandung)

Mr. Al receives and thank you gift from Principal Shirley from Penabur Inter on their visit to Sarasas Ektra.

Mr. Phil talks to Mr. Yanoar about the GAC programme.

Administrators and teachers from BPK Penabur, Jakarta, Indonesia
visit Sarasas Ektra School on 29th January 2015.